Ronald Cecil Sportes Quotazioni, valore e valutazione opere

Ronald-Cecil Sportes is a French architect and designer. He was born Orleanville (Algeria) and professionally active in Paris. Leggi la biografia completa

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Biografia di Ronald Cecil Sportes

Ronald-Cecil Sportes is a French architect and designer. He was born Orleanville (Algeria) and professionally active in Paris.

He studied at the Ecole des Arts Appliques et des Metiers d’Arts, Paris.

In Copenhagen, he worked with Arne Jacobsen and returned to Paris, where he worked with French and foreign architects until 1968.

He studied inflatable structures, including a multi-directional model for the Kleber-Colombes tire company.

He worked at the architecture firm Elsa and subsequently became creative and research director at Marange.

In 1975, he set up his own practice in Paris.

He designed interiors for Lancome in New York and its headquarters in Paris, and the airliner Concorde.

His commissions included; Galerie Artcurial, Arletty cinema, Minis-try of Justice, the Cosmair office in New York, Volvo’s North African headquarters in Casablanca, the Museum of Science and Technology at Pare de la Villette park in Paris, cultural centre and museum of French wines in Osaka, Cherfien des Phosphates office in Morocco, and the interior and furniture of the TGV terminal in the Gare Montparnasse in Paris.

He worked with the Beijing Consulting and Engineering Cooperative for Light Industry to design and produce hardwood furniture. He received a commission from the Chinese Ministry for Industry.

With design offices in Paris, he designed the interior and furniture for a room in President Mitterrand’s suite in the Elysee Palace in 1982-83.

© 2025 Capitolium Art | P.IVA 02986010987 | REA: BS-495370 | Capitale Sociale € 10.000 | Er. pubbliche 2020

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