Giuseppe Uva Artwork valuations, appraisals and auction estimates

Born in Naples in 1874, Giuseppe Uva was an Italian painter who studied with Domenico Morelli. His baroque painting technique harked back to the seventeenth century and was inspired by painters of the caliber of Giovan Battista Ruoppolo and Andrea Belvedere. Read the full biography

Do you own a work by Giuseppe Uva and want to sell it? Entrust it to our appraisal and auction services. We have successfully handled 1 artwork by Giuseppe Uva  , sold at price exceeding their initial estimate.

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Giuseppe Uva Biography

Born in Naples in 1874, Giuseppe Uva was an Italian painter who studied with Domenico Morelli. His baroque painting technique harked back to the seventeenth century and was inspired by painters of the caliber of Giovan Battista Ruoppolo and Andrea Belvedere. Uva showed a particular propensity for still lifes and female portraits and was also involved in the activity of decorator.
In 1899, at just 25 years old, Uva was commissioned to decorate "the sky of the great hall" of the Saverio Mercadante Theater in Altamura with the Allegory of "Music kissed by Glory". In that period, the painter also decorated the house of Pasquale Caso and the Church of the Madonna del Buoncammino in Altamura.
Uva founded the movement "the small Latin Quarter of Naples" with Francesco Paolo Prisciandaro, painter, decorator and writer, who had founded the newspaper "Quartiere Latin" in 1906. The group of Neapolitan painters and intellectuals met between 1927 and 1938 to paint in groups, discuss and organize collective exhibitions. The group included Alberto Buonoconto, Biagio Mercadante, Vincenzo Ciardo, Carlo Striccoli, Giuseppe Rispoli, Antonio Bresciani and Ettore Lalli. Uva died in 1937.

© 2025 Capitolium Art | P.IVA 02986010987 | REA: BS-495370 | Capitale Sociale € 10.000 | Er. pubbliche 2020

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