Reggiani Mauro (1897, Modena - 1980, Milan) Mauro Reggiani began to frequent the artists of the 20th century and met Piero Marussig, Achille Funi, Raffaele De Grada. He approached abstractionism while a research group was being formed around the Galleria del Milione in Milan, which brought together Italian painters and sculptors engaged in abstract research on the geometric module. Read the full biography
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Reggiani Mauro (1897, Modena - 1980, Milan) Mauro Reggiani began to frequent the artists of the 20th century and met Piero Marussig, Achille Funi, Raffaele De Grada. He approached abstractionism while a research group was being formed around the Galleria del Milione in Milan, which brought together Italian painters and sculptors engaged in abstract research on the geometric module. The group of Lombard abstractionists introduced the logic of rationalism, which resulted in the research of Terragni and Cattaneo and that of Munari. Reggiani gave life to an art made of measurable geometric shapes, aiming only at the beauty of a pure geometric order. In addition to this, Reggiani's personal expression is also present in the works, recognizable in the bright colors and in the multiple articulation of planes and shapes. In 1965 he won first prize at the Venice Biennale and first prize at the Rome Quadrennial. Furthermore, a solo show was dedicated to him at the Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara in '73 and in '77 by the Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna in Turin.