Magdalo Mussio Artwork valuations, appraisals and auction estimates

Magdalo Mussio was born in Volterra in 1925 and after the end of the Second World War he returned to study, graduating in Florence with a thesis entitled The Canovacci and the scenography of the Commedia dell'Arte. During the 1940s and 1950s he worked in various artistic fields, including publishing, theater direction and set design. Read the full biography

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Magdalo Mussio Biography

Magdalo Mussio was born in Volterra in 1925 and after the end of the Second World War he returned to study, graduating in Florence with a thesis entitled The Canovacci and the scenography of the Commedia dell'Arte. During the 1940s and 1950s he worked in various artistic fields, including publishing, theater direction and set design. In 1955, under the patronage of the poet Giuseppe Ungaretti, he held his first exhibition at the Galleria L'Indiano in Florence.
Later, Mussio also dedicated himself to the world of cinema, collaborating with Norman MacLaren for the National Film Boarding of Montreal, where he contributed to the production of animated cartoons. This experience allows him to work in the United States, France and England. In the 1960s, Mussio became one of the protagonists of Gruppo '63, an important verbovisual art association.
During this period, Mussio worked at the Lerici Foundation and became editor in chief of the Marcatrè magazine at the Lerici publishing house in Milan. In 1965 he became responsible for the graphic project and chief editor of the aforementioned magazine, also creating the Marcalibri series, where he published some important exponents of verbal-visual artistic research.
In the sixties and seventies, Mussio developed his individual artistic activity, becoming one of the protagonists of the verbo-visual neo avant-garde. His works are characterized by the presence of signs and words that occupy the panels with great intensity, sometimes almost illegible. Towards the end of the century, his works become more concise and search for symbols or play with words, transforming sometimes fragmented writings into terms with alternative meanings.
Mussio also works in the publishing field, collaborating with various publishing houses such as La nuova Foglio and Edizioni Out of London Press, editing important series. At the end of his life, he continued to exhibit his works in various exhibitions, always dedicating himself to the search for new forms of art.
Magdalo Mussio died in Civitanova on 12 August 2006, leaving an important artistic and cultural legacy

© 2025 Capitolium Art | P.IVA 02986010987 | REA: BS-495370 | Capitale Sociale € 10.000 | Er. pubbliche 2020

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