Tommaso Lisanti Artwork valuations, appraisals and auction estimates

Tommaso Lisanti (1956-2023) was an artist who, born in Ferrandina, Matera in 1956, lived and worked in Rome until his death in 2023.
Lisanti's painting focuses on the representation of aliens, spaceships, landscapes of other planets. His work is characterized by great creative freedom, therefore his art invites us to look beyond appearances, to overcome the boundaries of our universe and discover new spheres of existence. Read the full biography

Do you own a work by Tommaso Lisanti and want to sell it? Entrust it to our appraisal and auction services. We have successfully handled 12 artworks by Tommaso Lisanti  , all sold at prices exceeding their initial estimates.

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Some artworks by Tommaso Lisanti presented in past auctions

Tommaso Lisanti Biography

Tommaso Lisanti (1956-2023) was an artist who, born in Ferrandina, Matera in 1956, lived and worked in Rome until his death in 2023.
Lisanti's painting focuses on the representation of aliens, spaceships, landscapes of other planets. His work is characterized by great creative freedom, therefore his art invites us to look beyond appearances, to overcome the boundaries of our universe and discover new spheres of existence. Lisanti participates in many personal and collective exhibitions in Rome as throughout Italy, throughout his artistic career. Among the main ones we remember the participation in the "Due quadri" exhibition at the Pio Monti Gallery in Rome in 1983; at the “Quadrennial” Rome in 1986; and at the collective exhibition “A new romanticism, sixteen Italian artists” held at the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington.

© 2025 Capitolium Art | P.IVA 02986010987 | REA: BS-495370 | Capitale Sociale € 10.000 | Er. pubbliche 2020

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