Carlo Giusto Artwork valuations, appraisals and auction estimates

Carlo Giusto (1929 - ) was an artist born in Savona in 1929. After an initial realistic start, with a naturalistic propensity, in 1954, Giusto arrived at the encounter with the informal. Read the full biography

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Carlo Giusto Biography

Carlo Giusto (1929 - ) was an artist born in Savona in 1929. After an initial realistic start, with a naturalistic propensity, in 1954, Giusto arrived at the encounter with the informal. His landscapes begin to have an expressionist radicalization with a careful, inquiring look at the existential conditioning of contemporary life. He has always carried out his activity as a painter in his small atelier located in via Verzellino in Savona, where he went every day to work, think, reflect and receive friends. In many works we can feel the mechanical-artistic experience of when he joined the Cond Group (1960s), together with the painters Plinio Mesciulam, Giampaolo Parini and Luigi Maria Rigon. In his informal works he has always tried to preserve the data of memory: the fragmentation of reality are fragmented experiences, both as figurative and informal elements, joined together in a disorderly manner to create situations and structures. Technique, form and a very rich palette are the tools with which Giusto expresses himself with an apparently geometric, calibrated and balanced approach, which upon closer inspection is not such but is also based on freedom.

© 2025 Capitolium Art | P.IVA 02986010987 | REA: BS-495370 | Capitale Sociale € 10.000 | Er. pubbliche 2020

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