Chiara Dynys Artwork valuations, appraisals and auction estimates

Chiara Dynis (born in Mantua in 1958) trained in the eighties and rejected any concept of style and school to freely communicate her vision of the contemporary world. He first exhibited personally in the early 1980s. Read the full biography

Do you own a work by Chiara Dynys and want to sell it? Entrust it to our appraisal and auction services. We have successfully handled 2 artworks by Chiara Dynys  , all sold at prices exceeding their initial estimates.

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Chiara Dynys Biography

Chiara Dynis (born in Mantua in 1958) trained in the eighties and rejected any concept of style and school to freely communicate her vision of the contemporary world. He first exhibited personally in the early 1980s. First, he worked with figurative painting and used sand to create a chromatic material. Subsequently, he developed three-dimensional geometric shapes of mathematical order. He used different materials: resins, wax, pigments, marble, alabaster, silk, velvet, ceramic and crystal to create changes of light and color.
His works seem to search for spaces and make secret allusions to language, focusing on the rituals of society. Installations have become progressively larger since the 1990s, making the element of light ever more fundamental. His art emotionally involves the viewer and often transforms him into an actor projected into the created space. He uses seemingly eclectic materials, such as light, glass, mirrors, ceramics, castings, fabrics, video and photography.
He uses the term "passage" to describe his art (the sense of crossing is common to all his works). Since the beginning of his artistic career, at the beginning of the 1990s, his art has focused on two main strands: identifying the presence and meaning of forms and the world in the anomaly, in the variant and in the "threshold". , allowing the mind to move from human reality to a metaphysical scenario. Today, he lives and works in Milan.

© 2025 Capitolium Art | P.IVA 02986010987 | REA: BS-495370 | Capitale Sociale € 10.000 | Er. pubbliche 2020

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