Giuseppe Chiari (Florence 1926-2007) For Chiari, music and art express themselves in a "total" way, because the artist's vision of the world is total. Transgressing any claim of fidelity towards materials and techniques, art ceases to be "production of objects" and becomes "production of experience". Read the full biography
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Giuseppe Chiari (Florence 1926-2007) For Chiari, music and art express themselves in a "total" way, because the artist's vision of the world is total. Transgressing any claim of fidelity towards materials and techniques, art ceases to be "production of objects" and becomes "production of experience". In 1960 he founded, with his friend Pietro Grossi, the association “Vita Musicale Contemporanea ”, made up of artist-musicians who seek new musical experiments; thus began a very intense artistic phase. In 1962 he joined the "Fluxus" group. From the 80s and 90s Chiari began to examine expressive means such as collages, often completed with statements, in which he did not limit himself to gluing newspaper sheets, colored strips, stickers, musical sheets, simply on sheets of paper, on musical scores or on wooden boards, but also on musical instruments seeking a possible contamination between visuality and intrinsic sound of the instrument. Since the 1970s he has developed an intense exhibition program in public and private galleries, with personal exhibitions and collective. Gallery of Modern Art, Rome, 1980; in contemporary art museums: Kunstmuseum Luzern, Luzern, 1973; Center d'Art Contemporain, Geneva, 1979; Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, 1993; Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, 1994.