Cyrille Charro Artwork valuations, appraisals and auction estimates

Born in 1979 to a Lebanese father and a French mother, Cyrille Charro grew up between these two countries. Torn between two cultures, he feels disconnected from both, which leads him to question his own identity.
Cyrille studied photography at the school of applied art in Lyon. Read the full biography

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Cyrille Charro Biography

Born in 1979 to a Lebanese father and a French mother, Cyrille Charro grew up between these two countries. Torn between two cultures, he feels disconnected from both, which leads him to question his own identity.
Cyrille studied photography at the school of applied art in Lyon. Inspired and creative, his favorite subjects are fashion and studio compositions. He creates a series of images based on the simple aesthetic of Japanese art. Inspired by artists such as Joel Peter Witkin and Nan Goldin, his photographs combine human portraits with objects in a light-heavy atmosphere. After graduating, Cyrille settles in Lyon and undertakes a long research into crime in our society. In an attempt to reveal to viewers the truth hidden by the media, he tries to reproduce the horror of crime scenes through the use of contemporary objects such as dolls. It expresses human schizophrenia in a world governed by information, where man is not confronted with his true nature, violence or cruelty.
The artist is looking for a different beauty, which translates into elaborate stage setups. Without taboos, it depicts the human condition, the pain and darkness of life. His different photographic techniques reveal his personal vision of aesthetics: violent and natural.
He exhibits his works in France and Europe: strange, atypical and cruel photographs that illustrate the dark side of humanity. Now settled in London, Cyrille is part of a collective of three photographers and is currently working on "Cube", a project in which the same artwork is interpreted from three different points of view. These new shots are a natural sequel to "Schizophrenia". Cyrille Charro is, without a doubt, an artist who represents his generation.

© 2025 Capitolium Art | P.IVA 02986010987 | REA: BS-495370 | Capitale Sociale € 10.000 | Er. pubbliche 2020

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