Giuseppe Capogrossi Artwork valuations, appraisals and auction estimates

Giuseppe Capogrossi (Rome, 1900 - 1972). After classical studies, he graduated in Law. In 1923 he studied painting with Felice Carena and in 1927 he made a trip to Paris, which was followed by several others. Read the full biography

Do you own a work by Giuseppe Capogrossi and want to sell it? Entrust it to our appraisal and auction services. We have successfully handled 44 artworks by Giuseppe Capogrossi  , all sold at prices exceeding their initial estimates.

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Some artworks by Giuseppe Capogrossi presented in past auctions

Guide to Giuseppe Capogrossi price quotations


Giuseppe Capogrossi's artistic production is anchored to the first abstractionist research movements after the Second World War which found fertile ground in various Italian cities, giving rise to real movements such as the MAC in the Como area, Classical Abstractionism in Florence and Forma1 in Rome. In 1950 he participated in the founding of the original group with Mario Ballocco, Ettore Colla and Alberto Burri.

Initially a representative of the Roman School, in 1933 he signed the manifesto of plastic primordialism together with Cavalli and Melli, arriving at informal art in 1949, becoming one of its greatest and most illustrious representatives. His expressive form evolved from the abstract turning point of the 1950s until his death in 1972 through the research, definition and further evolution of a sign pattern that defines the typical nature of his iconography and which is generically identified with the term "fork ” or “comb”.

How to evaluate a work by Giuseppe Capogrossi

The necessary condition to be able to approach an evaluation process for a work by Giuseppe Capogrossi is to be certain of its authenticity which can only be ascertained in the presence of confirmation in the form of a written certificate from the Giuseppe Capogrossi Archive Foundation in Via Edoardo Jenner in Rome, directed by Guglielmo Capogrossi.

Other characteristics that must then be considered to determine the specific historical context of the work and its technical structure are the provenance, any publications and bibliography, the technique, the year of execution, the dimensions and last but not least, the state of conservation.

Detailing the history of a work always guarantees greater commercial attractiveness, especially in the presence of origins from authoritative collections or official publications. The general catalog published by Skira 2012 edited by Guglielmo Capogrossi is a fundamental tool for comparing and identifying the works which is accompanied by the 1967 monograph edited by Giulio Carlo Argan, completed after the author's death by an updated volume published from Edizioni del Naviglio (1974). At the GNAM in Rome there is also an archival fund of considerable importance which can be consulted digitally. Capogrossi also participated in three Venice biennials and the first edition of Documenta in Kassel.

In the case of multiple works (printed on paper, canvas or sculpted), the print run must be considered more carefully, which indisputably indicates the number of copies produced.

Brackets and coefficient

Once the certainty of authenticity has been determined, historical data from past sales of works that share the same historical, technical and qualitative characteristics with the specimen to be evaluated must be traced. Such data can be extrapolated with an expert eye from the catalogs and price lists of auction houses but also from private and gallery sales that only the experience of the professional appraiser can know.

In light of these considerations we can identify some scales and evaluation parameters that will allow us to briefly identify the value of a work. Usually the sum of these factors is indicated with the name of coefficient which is nothing other than a numerical index expressed in points which will be multiplied by the dimensions of the work (identified in the sum of the base and height) to be evaluated. Clearly only the intervention of an expert evaluator will be able to determine whether or not the operation is valid.


Giuseppe Capogrossi's performance over the last ten years has been in constant growth with a marked increase over the past year. This condition indicates a moment of good maturity in the prices of his works and a still lively state of demand. Given the historical and cultural consistency of the artist and his constant presence on the market, there is no reason to think that it cannot be a good investment in the long term, but given the recent developments the current moment is ideal for sale, especially for those purchased not recently or inherited.


1930s/40s (figurative period): for medium-sized works on canvas the coefficient can vary from approximately 1.2 to 2 points (for a 50x70 work for example the estimate could vary from 14,000 to 24,000 euros). For works on paper about a third1950s/60s: for medium-sized works on canvas the coefficient can vary from approximately 11 to 18 points (for a 50x70 work for example the estimate could vary from 130,000 to 220,000 euros). For works on paper about half

Giuseppe Capogrossi Biography

Giuseppe Capogrossi (Rome, 1900 - 1972). After classical studies, he graduated in Law. In 1923 he studied painting with Felice Carena and in 1927 he made a trip to Paris, which was followed by several others. In 1930 he participated in the Venice Biennale and two years later in the Milan Triennale. In 1933 he signed the Manifesto of Plastic Primordialism and participated in numerous exhibitions and group shows. The post-war works arrive at abstract painting, following a period marked by figurativism. He became an exponent of the Novecento Roman School and an important figure in the panorama of Italian informal art, together with Fontana, Frumenti, Burri, Scanavino. In 1939, 1940 and 1942, he participated in the Bergamo Prize and the Sao Paulo Biennial in Brazil.

© 2025 Capitolium Art | P.IVA 02986010987 | REA: BS-495370 | Capitale Sociale € 10.000 | Er. pubbliche 2020

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