Antonio Bueno (Spain, 1918 - 1985). He moved to Geneva with his family and studied at the Academy of Fine Arts. Read the full biography
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Antonio Bueno (Spain, 1918 - 1985). He moved to Geneva with his family and studied at the Academy of Fine Arts. He exhibited some of his illustrations at the Salon of Youth in Paris. In 1940 he arrived in Italy and began to take an interest in Surrealism, maintaining a relationship with De Chirico and working for the magazine Numero in Florence. In 1956 he exhibited at the Venice Biennale and in 1958 he went to the United States for a study trip. Returning to Italy, he fostered the bond between avant-garde painters, musicians and poets: he founded the Gruppo 70. In 1963 he participated in the San Marino Biennial dedicated to the informal, which he exhibited in the gallery in 1965 Il comic Numero di Venezia. A work carried out in collaboration with Emilio Isgrò. In 1966 he directed the G30 Gallery in Paris, where he held important exhibitions of Italian artists, and in 1968 he returned for the Venice Biennale. After acquiring Italian citizenship in 1972, he taught at the International University of Art in Florence. In 1984 he was still present at the Venice Biennale. There are numerous exhibitions and participation in personal and collective exhibitions.