Nino Bertoletti Artwork valuations, appraisals and auction estimates

Nino Bertoletti was born in Rome in 1889 and began painting from a young age, concentrating on painting after completing his education. His artistic education was not particularly academic, but rather personal. Read the full biography

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Nino Bertoletti Biography

Nino Bertoletti was born in Rome in 1889 and began painting from a young age, concentrating on painting after completing his education. His artistic education was not particularly academic, but rather personal. In 1909, he debuted at the National Exhibition of Fine Arts in Rimini. He came into contact with a group of Roman modernist artists including Duilio Cambellotti, Umberto Bottazzi and Vittorio Grassi, who moved around the new magazine "La Casa". In 1910, he exhibited his first painting "Michelangelo's Fountain" at the Society of Amateurs and Connoisseurs of Fine Arts. In 1911, at the International Exhibition of Fine Arts in Valle Giulia, he presented his melancholy painting "La Gondola". In 1913, he illustrated children's books, including Mondadori's "Bibliotechina de La Lampada" series and exhibited his painting "Dream" at the 1st Youth Art Exhibition of Naples, which featured Roman artists. In 1913 he also exhibited his symbolist work "Ritratto" at the I Secessione Romana, an association of modernist artists he had formed with other Roman artists. After the First World War, Bertoletti participated in the II Roman Biennial of 1923 and the I Mostra del Novecento Italiano of 1926. He also had close friendships with important artists such as Pirandello, De Chirico and Cecchi. However, Bertoletti preferred to work in isolation and participated in only a limited number of exhibitions. In 1927, he exhibited in a solo room at the II Quadrennial and participated in the Unions and the Venice Biennials. Throughout his career, he has demonstrated a particular sensitivity towards the return to order, in a neoclassicist declination. He took part in the VII National Art Quadrennial in Rome, which opened in November 1955. In 1958 he exhibited at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome at the I Exhibition of Figurative Arts. His painting "Wedding Ceremony in Sardinia" is preserved in the National Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions in Rome. In 1974, De Chirico, Guttuso and Levi affectionately remembered Bertoletti's personality on the occasion of the retrospective held at the Ente Premi Roma. In his autobiography, he highlighted his fidelity to natural data and his alienation from fashions and cultural programs

© 2025 Capitolium Art | P.IVA 02986010987 | REA: BS-495370 | Capitale Sociale € 10.000 | Er. pubbliche 2020

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